Alternative Therapy Provider Recognition
Alternative Therapy include the following modalities/specialities.
- Remedial Massage
- Myotherapy
- Acupuncture
- Nutrition
- Counselling
- Mental Health Social Worker
For benefits to be payable toward an alternative therapy service, the provider must be registered with a relevant association recognised by the Australia Regional Health Group. If you are unsure whether you are recognised by the Australia Regional Health Group, please check with your association.
All receipts issued must meet Mildura Health Fund requirements as defined in our Terms and Conditions for General Treatment Providers for benefits to be payable.
Electronic Claiming – HICAPS
Mildura Health Fund supports HICAPS claiming for the following modalities/specialities:
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic
- Dental
- Dietitian
- Podiatry
- Occupational Therapy
- Osteopathy
- Myotherapy
- Remedial Massage
- Optometry
- Physiotherapy
- Speech Therapy
- Psychology
Mildura Health Fund does not support mobile terminal claiming. When processing claims the HICAPS terminal should remain on the dock throughout the transaction, or it may be declined.
Mildura Health Fund supports the quoting function for optical providers only. Should a quote be required, our Member Experience Team can be contacted on 03 5023 0269.
Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions for General Treatment Providers can be download below.
Terms and Conditions for MHF Recognised Providers of General Treatment (Extras) Services
Additional Terms and Conditions apply to Optical Providers and can be download below.
Terms and Conditions for MHF Recognised Optical Providers
Preferred Provider Agreements
Mildura Health Fund do not offer Preferred Provider Agreements, we prefer to give our members choice and provide the same benefits to all members regardless of the provider they choose to see.