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Members Health Fund Alliance

We are proud to be part of the Members Health Fund Alliance

We are proud to be part of Members Health Fund Alliance (MHFA), the peak industry body for not-for-profit health funds that all share a common value of putting our members’ health before profit.

MHFA is group of not-for-profit and mutual health funds that share the same approach of putting members' needs ahead of profits.

As a not-for-profit fund, we focus on what matters most – supporting your health and wellbeing. Like all funds in the MHFA, we can do this because we don’t give payouts to shareholders.

With a MHFA you should expect more. Much more. Members Health funds put their members first: instead of operating their business around how they can profit from you, we’re thinking about how we can help you, now and for generations to come.

We’re committed to returning more to our members – providing more appropriate products, better service and returning more of your premium dollar back to you in benefits.

Health funds that carry the Members Health Fund symbol are thinking about you, working for you. Because what matters to them is you and your health. You’re a person, not a profit centre.